Click here to register for Sunflower Games Juniors Tennis:
Kossover Tennis Center - Kossover Tennis Center | Tournaments (
Click here to register for Sunflower Games Adult Tennis:
Entry information
Assign Doubles Partners If the event you're registering for is a doubles event, you will see the 'Assign doubles partners' option in the Additional Info section. Click the 'Assign' button next to your name to assign a doubles partner. For more information on assigning a doubles partner, please click here.
- Players must enter with a doubles partner OR email the Tournament Director before the close of registration that you are willing to be place in the blind draw.
- If you enter without a partner and do not email the TD, you will be removed from the entries.
- If you are placed in the blind draw, you may not refuse a pairing.
L6 Tournament
- Skill Level: Intermediate
- Draw Size - The singles draw is limited to 16 players. The doubles draw is limited to 8 teams.
- Match Formats
- Main draw - Best of two out of three tiebreak sets with a Super Tiebreak in lieu of 3rd set (10-point). With ad scoring.
- Consolation - Best of two out of three tiebreak Short Sets with Match Tiebreak in lieu of 3rd set (7-point). With ad scoring.
- Doubles - 8 game pro set, no ad scoring.
- Draw Types
- 0-2 Draw Cancelled
- 3-5 One Round Robin Bracket
- 6-12 Feed in championships through Quarters with a 3rd/4th playoff
- 13-16 Feed-in Championship through the Quarters with a 3rd/4th playoff. Consolation final will not be played.
- L6 Tournaments have a maximum of 4 matches per player.
Organizer information
Tips for the Tournament:
- Check this home page (look under draws and view matches) on Wednesday, July 17th by 5:00 PM. Also look for a pre-tournament email from the tournament director (check spam folder just in case).
- Always arrive at least 15 minutes and check in before the first match time.
COMMISSIONER: Alexis Czapinski Contact info: